‘During my ECHA training I discovered a method called Design Thinking and it immediately sparked my interest. I felt that this method had everything in it to help gifted and underachieving pupils regain pleasure in learning and to train their metacognitive skills’.
Design Thinking is a method that has been developed at Stanford University and has been made suitable for primary and secondary education by IDEO, amongst others. At the Henry Ford Learning Institute in Detroit, Lineke took part in a course ‘DT training in Education’.
Design Thinking is different from other design methods because it is much more human-centered. It aims to educate pupils to become innovators so that they, the professionals in our future society, know how to come up with solutions for as yet unknown problems. Design Thinking is not about creating cool gadgets but about designing products, services and processes that people truly need and want.This is why Design Thinking is a good way for pupils to learn 21st-century skills. Over the past years we have been using this method in various ways and in various contexts, for example in enrichments groups for underachievers, as a design method of lessons, in teacher training sessions, in innovation processes and as a part of project management
Promoting equity in gifted education (10-18 years)
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