Do you have questions on how to nurture the talent of gifted teenagers (age 10-18 years)? Feel free to contact us.

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Have you explored the website for our Erasmus+ project Equity in Gifted Education yet? Learn more about how we, together with our international partners, identify and empower gifted students from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them thrive and reach their potential.
Erasmus+ Equity in Gifted Education (EGE) in Kosovo
From 19th up until 21st of November, Birgit Broekhoven and Lineke van Tricht went to Pristina in Kosovo to work with teachers from Kosovo and from Ireland. The teachers came from various schools and worked at various levels, from primary up to secondary education.
Teacher Training Academic Language Erasmus+
One of the activities in our Erasmus+ project Equity in Gifted Education is training teachers, in order to prepare them for teaching the academic language programme. On Thursday 26th September 2024 this training started for Dutch and Flemish teachers and took place in Antwerp, Belgium.
Bureau Talent is European Talent Point

Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a human-centered design method. It offers plenty of opportunities for teachers to create interesting enrichment tasks and for pupils to work on 21st-century skills. In the two Erasmus+ programmes Bureau Talent was involved in we trained teachers, both in Dutch and in English, to work with Design Thinking. Since we believe in practise what you preach, the training itself is also based on the principles of Design Thinking. This means that the teachers go through the Design Thinking process themselves, so they literally experience it.


ECHA stands for European Council for High Ability and one of its activities is training people in the field of Gifted Education. The ECHA training has a scientific base and is geared to practical situations, in and outside school. The ECHA-specialists in Gifted Education in the Netherlands are united in the ECHA Association. ECHA also organises biennial conferences on the topic of Gifted Education.