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Inclusiviteit op ECHA Conferentie 2021

In 2020 zou de ECHA Conferentie plaatsvinden in Porto, Portugal. Alles liep helaas anders en het symposium werd uitgesteld tot deze zomer. Inmiddels is het bijna zover en zal de ECHA Conferentie 2021 helemaal online plaatsvinden, van 31 augustus tot en met 2 september, met als thema ‘inclusion in gifted education’.

Margaret Sutherland, Niamh Stack en Catherine Reid van de Glasgow University; Ian Warwick van LondonGT; and Ndondo Mutua of Mully Children's Family and David Rempel of the IUBH University of Applied Sciences zijn onze internationale partners in het symposium. Lianne Hoogeveen van de Radboud Universiteit zal het symposium voorzitten.

De expertise van onze partners delen we graag hieronder met jullie:

In this symposium, we will discuss the question of inclusion in gifted education. Gifted education is generally not very diverse when it comes to the students selected for these programs. We present four projects that want to make a positive change by combining research and practice. The REAL project in London has a long experience in teaching gifted newcomers academic language, so students get the chance to perform on an academic level, appropriate to their potential. The CEOS project in Belgium and the Netherlands works with (partly) non-verbal tests to find hidden cognitive talents and offers them a program on academic language. The third abstract from the University of Glasgow focuses on the participation of under-represented groups in higher education. The fourth abstract introduces the Mully Method of Rehabilitation, a method in which creativity is the key to open traumatised students for high achievement. This panel is chaired by Lianne Hoogeveen Ph.D., Radboud University Nijmegen the Netherlands, Programme Director ECHA / RITHA; Coordinator Master Gifted Education; Health Care Psychologist and partner in the CEOS project.

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